Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 30 - Tuesday June 7, 2011 - Yalta, Ukraine

Top: The front of the Vorotsov Palace in Alupka, Ukraine

Middle: The Swallow’s Nest Castle overlooking the Black Sea

Bottom: Livonia Palace – the last home of Tzar Nicholas II and Alexandra

I woke up at 5 and went ahead and got up. Put my gym clothes on and went to the “track” on the Sun Deck. I did 15 revolutions. It says that 13 are a nautical mile which is more than a regular mile. Had my mueslix and coffee when the restaurant opened at 6. Enjoyed watching us come into the Yalta Harbor. Beautiful setting with the Crimean Mountains protecting it to the north. They say the climate is sub-tropical and there are even palm trees here – never would have thought that.

Met my Yalta Palaces Tour at 8 and we were off ahead of schedule. Alexey was our guide and very informative. He is actually a writer for the local newspaper and does tours as a side line. Very funny at times. But it seems to me that in Russian they seldom use “a”, “an”, or “the”. Lots of sentences like . . . “Tzar live in palace”, “Palace in forest”!

We headed up into the mountains to Vorontsov Palace in the town of Alupka. Beautiful mansion and very well maintained. This is where Winston Churchill stayed in 1945 during the summit with Roosevelt and Stalin. We visited the rooms where he stayed and ate. Beautiful gardens – and huge.

We then headed to Swallow’s Nest Castle that is on the edge of a cliff. Just a photo opportunity. There are plans to develop this site as it is stunning.

Then to Livadia Palace – the last home built for the the last Tzar – Nicholas II and Alexandra. This is where Roosevelt stayed and where the meetings were held in 1945. Many family pictures of the royal family. Beautiful gardens too.

Alexey pointed out many other sites during our tour. We got back to the ship about 1:30 – a full morning of touring and my feet and knees were killing me! I went for a quick lunch and then to the room to get my feet up and take a short nap.

Back out to the City of Yalta about 4. Walked along Roosevelt Street and Primorsky Boulevard to the Central Square. A beautiful walking city with lots of people strolling about. Took a slight detour and went to Alexander Nevsky Cathedral – another Russian Orthodox church. Beautiful gold spires. The church was closed but I enjoyed walking around the outside. I went to the far end of the promenade along the Black Sea. Found one of the rivers that flows from the mountains to the sea and walked far inland along the river. Lots of shops. I stopped several times and listened to sidewalk musicians – a Russian folk guitarist, a classical guitarist, and an accordionist. Really enjoyed that.

Then walked back toward the ship and went the other way to Massandra Beach – the largest beach in Yalta. A very, very rocky, pebbly beach – looked uncomfortable but it was packed. Massandra Palace is close by which was the home of Tzar Alexander III but I didn’t get there.

Headed back to the ship a little after 6. Ran into the San Diego couples and we caught up on the days touring activities. I had some wine, showered and went for my pre-dinner cocktail at 8 in the Lounge but David wasn’t there. Talked to a couple from Rhode Island for a while then headed to the dining room at 8:30. Jeffrey from Manila was my waiter again. There is a huge BBQ out by the pool so many people were eating there, but I enjoyed the dining room and ordering from the menu. Again it was good but nothing special.

After dinner I went back to the Lounge and listened to 2 sets by David – he is very entertaining and funny. Made several requests which he played – at least sort of played. He stops frequently in his songs to banter with the audience or tell stories where are entertaining.

Off to bed about 11:30 and put the DO NOT DISTURB sign on my door. I’m going to rest my knees and feet tonight.

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