Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 35 - Sunday June 12, 2011 - Geneva, Switzerland

Top: Genevieve and Richard Schneider with our big plate of "filet de perches" on Lake Leman outside of Geneva, Switzerland.

Middle: Me on the pier at Le Port Restaurant after eating a lot of filet de perches!

Bottom: One of the many old castles we saw along the French and Swiss coast of Lake Leman going to and from Evian, France.

Up at 7 and down to the cafe in the hotel for "petit dejeuner". I love it that I'm back in "french-speaking" territory. "Bonjour", "Merci", "S'il vous plais", etc. Love this language but wish I could speak more of it. I now have a week to practice!

Had my petit dejeuner and headed out for a short walk in the Old City. Didn't have much time as Genevieve and Richard Schneider picked me up at 11 for a filet de perches (perch from the Lake) lunch at a local restaurant. Genevieve and Richard live in Unit 514 in the Venetian - next door to our first apartment there.

They arrived a little before 11 and it was good seeing them both. And we were off - to the French side of Lake Leman (sometimes mistakenly called Lake Geneva). A beautiful ride on the side of the lake where I had never been.

We went to their favorite restaurant on the lake. They sometimes take their boat from Geneva there and dock for lunch but today was a bit too windy to do that. They had reservations and we got our table. A kir to start, then red wine with filet de perches - a HUGE plate of them - french fries - green beans - and ratatouille. Followed by a pastry with strawberries and creme anglais. All delicious. And we ate it all, of course.

After lunch we headed further into France to Evian, headquarters and "the source" of Evian water. Beautiful, beautiful quaint town. We went to a museum (a former "therme spa") that had an art exhibit from the royal collection of the Prince of Leichtenstein. Brueghel, Rembrandt, Rubens, Biedermeiers, etc. Beautiful collection - especially the pictures done on copper with small thin pieces of marble - unbelieveable. There was one painting of Princess Marie Franziska von Liechtenstein at the age of two that was precious. She had a head full of curls and was holding her doll baby - precious.

We stopped in a liquor store where the lady running it was very knowledgeable. She gave me samples of an aperitif I didn't know - believe it was Argenac - it is like a cognac. I had the 12 year old and then she gave me a 30 year old sample. Delicious. The older the better.

From Evian we headed back toward Switzerland stopping in several towns along the southern coast of Lake Leman. The lake is about 60 miles long and 10 miles wide at the widest point - which is between Evian, France and Lausanne, Switzerland.

We stopped at Thonon and walked around an old castle that is now a beautiful hotel. Lots of Sunday drivers and the traffic was heavy in places. We went by Yvoire that is a "walking only" ancient city on the lake - we didn't stop as there was no place to park.

We arrived back in Geneva about 7 pm - a full day of touring. I really appreciate Genevieve and Richard's hospitality and commentary in English of the countryside. They invited me for a racclette cheese dinner but I'm tentatively planning to get up early and go to Zermatt - so unfortunately I had to decline.

Back to the hotel for a short rest. Not really hungry after such a large lunch of delicious filet de perches, so I got something light and then back to the hotel for the night. Tomorrow a full day of touring planned - who knows where the day may take me!!!!

Love this place - and French!

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