Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 25 - Thursday June 2, 2011 - Istanbul, Turkey Headed to the Black Sea

Top: The new palace as seen from the Bosporus Straight in Istanbul.

Bottom: Topkopi Palace as seen from the Bosporus Straight in Istanbul

Slept until about 7:30. Had coffee, packed, updated my blog, and then checked out of the hotel. Took at taxi to the port which isn't too far from the hotel. The taxis must have an underground racket as it was $30 to go not very far. Hmmm!

I met 2 couples from San Diego in the line waiting to check in. We talked a while and I ended up giving them my used map of Istanbul, pointed out the Spice Market, and told them how to take the Istanbul tram there – easiest way.

Security was a bit confusing, but I boarded the Azamara Quest before noon. The rooms weren't ready so I went to the coffee bar and talked to the English guy who ran it. Coffee, soft drinks and wine are all complimentary on this cruise. And the gratuties are all included too - cool.

Room was ready about 1 so I unpacked completely. It is good to be out of a suitcase for a while. Went to do the laundry but a little Japanese lady had half of the machines tied up and she was very protective of them. I bet she is doing laundry for all of her friends!!!! I'm just going to have Mohammed (from Malaysia), my cabin steward, to take care of the laundry. I'm not feeling like a laundry-maid today!

Took a short nap, went to the safety drill and then went to have a drink in the Looking Glass - a huge bar at the front of the ship. I'll be spending a lot of time here over the next 9 days.

Went to shower and change at 6, cocktails at 7 and then dinner tonight in Prime C Steakhouse - it is one of their specialty restaurants.

After the required safety drill, I went to the Looking Glass Lounge and picked out my spot for sail away. I’ll spend time here as the vantage point is great. Had a drink, talked to the waitress from Thailand for a while, took a few last pictures of Istanbul, then headed to my cabin to shower and change for sail away and dinner.

Went back to the Looking Glass about 6:30 and took my spot at the front windows. We sailed shortly after 7 pm and headed up The Bosporus Straight. A very busy waterway – commercial ships everywhere. The channel is curvy so we weaved back and forth. We passed under the 2 large bridges that connect Europe with Asia. The captain told us these are the only bridges that connect the 2 continents – somehow I find that hard to believe but I’m not sure I understand the entire “continental divide” between these 2 continents.

I enjoyed drinks and the sights along the Bosporus. A couple started singing and playing in the lounge – the “Sandy Lyn Duo”. I turned and would have sworn that the woman (Lyn) was Francine Marshall – the way she looked – and acted! Funny how I occasionally see “look alikes” in various places on the planet. That happens to me frequently. As the sun set and daylight turned to dusk, I could see us coming out of the narrow part of the Bosporus into what is probably The Black Sea. Because of all of the mist and the darkness ahead, it actually looked like we were going to sail off of the surface of earth!

I had an 8:30 reservation at the Prime C Restaurant – the specialty steak house. I got a table right at the back window looking at the Bosporus. It was “complimentary” tonight so there is no cover charge! They started with an amuse bouche – a mixed fruit gazpacho – unusual and delicious. Had prawns and then onion soup to start. The onion soup was creative in that they provided a slice of onion pizza on the side. A nice touch. The filet was good. Banana cheesecake for dessert – yummy but didn’t need it.

A good first day on the Azamara Quest. The ship is small but well appointed. Service is exceptional and friendly. Ready for a good nights sleep.

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