Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 34 - Saturday June 11, 2011 - Athens, Greece

Above: The Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece

Below: A temple with beautifully preserved statues that serve as columns.

Woke up at 5:30 and we were already docked in the Port of Athens at Piraeus. Never heard us coming in. Showered, dressed and went for coffee in the restaurant and a last stroll around the deck of the ship.

Waited in my room until my unloading number was called a little before 7:45. Retrieved my bag and followed my guide to a bus that will take us on a short tour through Athens and then to the Acropolis. We got to see a lot of the historical sites. Traffic wasn't too bad given that it was Saturday morning.

We arrived at the Acropolis and began the hike up the hill on what seems like very slippery marble steps and walkways. The entrance has been changed since I was here last. And access to the buildings is very limited. A lot of restoration work is underway and you can readily see where they have restored sections with beautiful new white marble against the old stained surfaces. I was surprised how much more of this structure they have been able to put back together.

We had a little bit of free time so I did a sprint around the top taking pictures, and then returned to the bus. We headed to the relatively new airport on a new freeway that is so much better than the first time I was in Athens.

Checked in with Swiss Air for my flight to Geneva and went to the lounge to catch up on email and internet things. Today is my 13th flight and I'll travel 1,070 miles from Athens to Geneva non-stop on Swiss Air. I hadn't flown on Swiss Air in years and they did impress me. The service was impeccable - the flight attendant even gave me a shoulder and neck massage when she saw me rubbing my sore neck. It was heavenly. Lunch was good.

I got to see The Matterhorn outside of Zermatt as we got close to Geneva. Then I saw Mount Blanc as we approached Geneva. The Swiss Alps are truly beautiful.

No immigration - got my luggage - and noticed a machine that gives travelers a "free ticket" to take the train from the airport to the city. So I did that. Went to the station that is adjacent to the airport and got on the next train. All of the trains at this station stop at Geneve City. It was a 7 minute train ride - and my hotel is not far from the station so I walked there. Small hotel that offers free internet, breakfast, and a transportation card that allows me to ride the buses, train, and boats that operate within the city. I may do that just to see more of the city that I haven't seen.

Got settled and went out for an evening walk. It's June 11 and many people have on heavy coats still. I guess we are pretty far north and also at a high elevation. Went for a long walk. Beautiful city - I'd forgotten how much I like this place (even though it is a very expensive city). I'm planning to go through the old city again tomorrow.

Got a lite bite to eat and then went back to the hotel a little before 10. The sun was just setting then! Caught up on CNN and then went to bed - am really tired after getting up so early and travelling much of the day.

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