Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 36 - Monday June 13, 2011 - Geneva, Switzerland

Top: The Jet d'Eau in Lake Leman. It shoots water 140 meters in the air.

Middle: The Monument Brunswick - a mausoleum to Duke Charles of Brunswick.

Bottom: Saint Peter's Cathedral in Old Town Geneva

A full day of touring in Geneva. I awoke to very cloudy skies and very chilly temperatures. I figured that the views wouldn't be so good up high in the Alps at the Matterhorn with the low clouds - and I didn't have warm clothes as I figured it would be COLD up there - and I don't like being cold. So I decided to stay in Geneva and tour around for my free day here.

Had breakfast in the hotel restaurant, then got ready and headed out before very many people were stirring. Today is a religious holiday in Switzerland so everything is closed. I headed to Lake Leman and walked across one of the pedestrian bridges to the Old Town. Beautiful architecture and sites everywhere. Walked around Saint Peter's Cathedral that was built in the early 1500's The Maccabee Chapel was built in the 1400's. All restored in the 1990's and it is beautiful. Sits up high so the steeple is visible from Lake Leman towering over the city.

Did some window shopping in the city and walked a ways up the north side of the lake. Went to several memorials enroute to the Central Train Station to find out where I need to be tomorrow to get back to the airport and what the schedule is. It looks like there are several trains mid day that leave every 15 minutes or so. Very convenient and my "hotel pass" let's me ride it for free - what a deal!

Headed back by the hotel to get my jacket as it was still chilly. Headed to the lake and the jet d'eau was on spewing water 140 meters into the air. Beautiful but the winds were blowing the spray like crazy. It was on for 20 minutes and then they turned in off and I never saw it come back on all day.

Went to the Monument Brunswick which is a mausoleum erected in memory of Duke Charles of Brunswick who left his fortune to the city of Geneva. Walked along the waterfront and enjoyed the sun that finally came out from behind the clouds and it felt good. Enjoyed the people watching. Walked up near to where the UN headquarters is located and caught a ferry using my "hotel pass" and went to the other side of the lake. Then took the ferry back to the Mont Blanc Bridge. From there I changed boats and took another boat to the Old City Centre.

Walked from the pier back to St. Peter's Cathedral and went in this time as it was open. Visited the Chapel of the Maccabees too.

Then walked around looking for an "early dinner" location. Started to stop at the restaurant across from the Hotel d'Ville. But I went down a side street and found Restaurant des Amures. I ate here many many years ago with my colleagues from DuPont. Bill and Hillary Clinton ate here in 1994 and there is a plaque on the wall outside commemorating that will a replica of the letter President Clinton sent to the owner.

My lunch/dinner was fantastic. I first ordered a 1/2 bottle of St Emilion Grand Cru Classe - it was wonderful - and still water. Then I ordered a plate of racclette - melted cheese served with small boiled potatoes, gherkin pickles, and small onions. Yum. Then I had lamp with pomme frites and vegetables and french bread. Finished it off with a creme brulee that was excellent. YUM! Most likely no dinner needed tonight.

I had thought I had too many swiss francs but not after that lunch. It was the equivalent of $150!!!! But worth it.

By this time it was after 4 pm, so I walked around the Old Town a little more and headed back to the hotel about 5 via a tram from the Old Town. The tram system is easy to figure out and I was there in only 2 stops.

My feet were tired so they needed a rest after all of that walking so I headed back to the hotel for a while. Went out later for a last stroll along the lake. It stays light here until almost 10 pm which is cool.

On June 21 they will be celebrating the summer equinox (is it equinox or solstice?). Anyway, in France and Switzerland, they celebrate the longest day of the year with La Fete de La Musique. Everywhere people come out into the streets and play instruments and music of all types. Tim and I experienced this in Lyon several years ago. It was fun. Unfortunately I'll miss it in France this year. But in Geneva they have a clever approach. They have upright pianos located in many places throughout the city. Anyone walking down the street can stop and play and they do. I stopped several times to listen to some very talented musicians. Wonderful thing they do. I'd like to experience this again some other time.

A great visit to Geneva, Switzerland.

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