Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 10 - Wednesday May 18, 2011 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Left: The Central Market at Chinatown

Right: The Kuala Lumpur Tower

Up with the sun at 7 this morning.

Decided to do something different - so I went to the Ritz-Carlton gym. (Tim would be amazed). Worked out for about an hour and then used the steam room - felt good on my tired muscles - especially my feet and legs. I really should wear a pedometer to find out how far I walk on these trips!

Decided to find the Chinese market today on foot.

On the way I went over to Starbucks - and guess who I ran into?? The studio was filming at the mall across the street from my hotel. And the helper who had escorted me off screen was there. She had on a "Knowledge is Poo Poo" T-shirt - classy! The entire area was fenced off with police trying to control the people. It was a zoo.

Apparently, this was a car chase scene as a car with "the star" headed into a crowd of people and they scrambled out of the way. I watched a while and then had my Starbucs.

Headed out to Jalan Bukit Bintang (where all of the foot massage places are), and then on to Jalan Pudu. The Central Market was about a 40 minute walk - and it was already hot - but interesting. Approached by lots of vendors - they have everything there. One kept approaching me wanting to sell me "sulfur"! Wonder what that was???

I didn't realize how close I was to the Islamic Museum when I was at the Central Market - should have gone there but didn't. Save that for another trip!

Then walked all through the Indian neighborhood (red dot - not woo-woo!). They fixed up this area at government expense when a high ranking Indian official was visiting years ago. Very colorful.

Then walked to the Kuala Lumpur Tower - it was very hazy so didn't go up. By this time it was a little after 2 pm and the winds started blowing. Afternoon storms are coming - so I headed back to the hotel area.

Stopped at the mall again when I got back and had Japanese steak for a late lunch - it was quite good. Started to try the kobe beef steak but it was outrageously expensive - so not for lunch.

Relaxed and took my first nap of this trip while the weather was doing "it's afternoon thing". Then went out for a great foot massage and a late bite to eat.

The rains set in with some ferosity tonight. HUGE thunderstorm with lighting and pouring down rain. It rained more of the night.

Time to pack yet again - 3rd time already. Will need to leave KL City about 9:30 to take a taxi to the Sentral Station and then the train to the airport. They advise travellers to allow 3 hours from city to departure!

Enjoyed Kuala Lumpur. Off to Thailand.

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