Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 23 - Tuesday May 31, 2011 - Istanbul, Turkey

Top: Inside the Blue Mosque - or the Sultanahmet Mosque. Stunning.

Middle: Inside the Hagia Sophia - Beautiful.

Bottom: Inside the Grand Bazaar - over 3,000 shops.

I slept with the curtains closed last night and apparently they had an impact on my night. I didn't wake up until almost 8:30. Guess I was tired.

Got ready and headed to the Blue Mosque. Stopped along the way and bought a guide book on Istanbul for 10 TL (about $6.50). This will allow me total flexibility to go at my own pace and read about the various sites. I hate organized tours with a herd of tourists. Stopped at Starbucks for a coffee and pastry and read about the Hippodrome and Blue Mosque.

Headed to the Hippodrome and walked around. Several "carpet men" approached - "Come to my shop", etc. Waited in line for a short time to get into the Blue Mosque. Entrance is slowed down as everyone must remove their shows. The inside was unbelieveable. Beautiful - spacious - gorgeous carpeting throughout - massive - and very blue. I sat on the carpet for about 45 minutes and took it all in. I read more in the guide book about the Blue Mosque and also read a pamplet that I picked up - "What is Islam". I was amazed how closely Islam is to Judaism and Christianity. Many of the same beliefs. It was very educational.

I then walked through the park over to the Haghia Sophia (or AyaSophia). I got in line but was "engaged" by a guy (Omar) and he convinced me to follow him. He took me past the guards and directly to the front of the line to buy a ticket. Not sure how this works! He told me he had a carpet store, so I knew that I was indebted by his act - and he knew that too.

Bought my ticket for 20 TL, went through security and into the Haghia Sophia. Stunning. Beautiful. Massive. Gorgeous mosaics. I went to the upper gallery and took it all in. Stunning.

As I came out - guess who was waiting for me? Yep - he was right there as if he knew exactly when I would emerge. He took me to the Basilica Cistern to the front of the line again to buy a ticket. But it was now after 1 and I decided to do this later. So I followed him dutifully to his carpet shop. We went through a huge store full of persian carpets - sorry Turkish carpets. Beautiful. I had the obligatory cup of turkish tea and Omar's uncle took over. They took me into a massive room full of carpets. Silk, wool, blends. I love carpets. He explained carpet making to me - most of which I knew.

He did pull out one carpet that was gorgeous. I buy rugs based on impulse and I felt one of those moments coming on! I asked him "How much?" Long story made short - it was $32,000 US!!!! At that, I realized this would go no where so I explained that I wasn't going to buy a carpet today and had to meet "my friends" for lunch in 10 minutes. And I left. Whew! But a fun experience. Glad I did that.

Walked to the Grand Bazaar and went all through it - it is so massive. Beautiful colors - so many jewelry shops. I can't figure out what differentiates one from the other.

Returned to the hotel about 3 to rest my tired feet. Will head back out later this afternoon for some more.

Left about 4:30 and decided to explore on the tram system. What a deal - you can ride the entire line for 1.75 TK or about $1 US. So I decided to go to see the Dolmabahce Palace. A large palace built in the European style. I arrived too late to take the full tour but walked all around the grounds. All during the ride over there were beautiful mosques each with their tall minarets. Beautiful. All along the seaside and especially on the Galata Bridge were fishermen. Quaint view.

I found where the port is where my ship should be on Thursday morning. That relieves some anxiety about where I'm supposed to go. A 15 minute taxi ride at most. Let's just hope it is actually there on Thursday!!!!

Took the tram back and got off at Sultanahmet to find a place for dinner. When I got off there was a lot of music and people clapping. I went to an amphitheatre and there were many groups of Turkish children dressed up in beautiful costumes doing dances. I enjoyed watching that for a long time. There were lots of boys dancing and many of the steps looked advanced for children their age. Very good show.

Walked up the street and stopped at Pasha Restaurant for dinner about 7:30. Had a 1/2 bottle of Turkish white wine, lentil soup and bread - this bread was exceptional - like pizza crust but huge and it had a bottom and top layer. I ordered chicken with peaches for dinner and it was yummy. Enjoyed baked rice pudding with ice cream and chocolate sauce for dessert. Enjoyed dinner a lot.

Walked back to the hotel and moaned with my aching knees. I would have thought all of this exercise would help build up my knees some but maybe I'm overdoing it. I only have one more day and then get on the ship and can take it a bit easier. Have just a couple of destinations tomorrow - the Topkapi Palace that we built in 1465 and served as the palace for over 400 years. Also want to go to the Monastery Cistern that was recommended in my book. May take the tram the other way - at least I can get a seat on the train while sightseeing.

A GREAT DAY in Istanbul, Turkey.

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